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High School College Grade School

School Location Level Website
Morse High School Bath High School Yes
Belfast Area High School Belfast High School
Noble High School Berwick High School Yes
Gould Academy Bethel High School Yes
Gould Academy Bethel High School Yes
Biddeford High School Biddeford High School Yes
Brunswick High School Brunswick High School Yes
Calais High School Calais High School Yes
Camden Rockport High School Camden High School
Central High School christiansted High School
Dexter Regional High School Dexter High School Yes
Foxcroft High School Dover-Foxcroft High School Yes
Ellsworth High School Ellsworth High School
Falmouth High School Falmouth High School Yes
Fort Kent Community High School Fort Kent High School Yes
Freeport High School Freeport High School Yes
Gardiner High School Gardiner High School
Gorham High School Gorham High School Yes
Hampden Academy Hampden High School Yes
Houlton High School Houlton High School Yes
Jay High School Jay High School Yes
Kennebunk High School Kennebunk High School
Kents Hill School Kents Hill High School Yes
St. Dominic Regional High School Lewiston High School Yes
Maine School of Science & Mathematics Limestone High School Yes
Lisbon High School Lisbon Falls High School Yes
Machias Memorial High School Machias High School Yes
Madawaska High School Madawaska High School Yes
Stearns Millinocket High School
Bishop Guertin High School Nashua High School Yes
Carrabec High School North Anson High School
Bridgton Academy North Bridgton High School
Messalonskee High School Oakland High School Yes
Old Town High School Old Town High School Yes
Orono High School Orono High School
Deering High School Portland High School
Portland Arts and Technology High School Portland High School Yes
South Portland High School Portland High School Yes
Sanford High School Sanford High School
Searsport District High School Searsport High School Yes
Sumner Memorial High School Sullivan High School
Leavitt Area High School Turner High School
Van Buren District High School Van Buren High School
Medomak Valley High School Waldoboro High School
Oak High School Wales High School
Waterville Senior High School Waterville High School Yes
Wells High School Wells High School Yes
Westbrook High School Westbrook High School
Winslow High School Winslow High School Yes
Winthrop High School Winthrop High School Yes
North Yarmouth Academy Yarmouth High School
York High School York High School Yes

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